My name is Danilo Trinidad Pérez-Rivera. I’m a Puerto Rican student-scientist unraveling networks: mostly neurons, sometimes people.

Please, feel free to get in touch with me.


I am particularly interested in the construction of theoretical frameworks through which the intricacies of neural circuits, cognitive development, and decision-making can be causally linked to pathological outcomes in mental health. My research interests have converged and diverged from the ends of chemistry to the depths of mathematics and the complexity of biology. At the end of the day, no one cares if you’re a chemist, a mathematician, a biologist, or whatever you may claim to be. We work together to solve problems. That’s what we really care about.

While completing my Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry, I spent several years pursuing research opportunities from Computational Biology to Astrochemistry. Over time, I became more fascinated with the heuristics and biases that underlie human behavior. This problem goes beyond the confines of the brain with sociocultural aspects impacting the human nervous system to dictate at times collective dynamics.

Neuronal Network Dynamics

I’m currently continuing my training in Computational Neuroscience at the Center for Neural Science at New York University as a Computational Sciences Graduate Fellow. I am currently jointly supervised by Dr. Constantinople and Dr. Savin, understanding reference-dependent decision-making.



With the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic threatening us all across the world, I have taken a return to work in mathematical epidemiology, particularly in Spanish, through collaborations with COSACO Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico Department of Health. You may access our reports at


Social Network Analysis

I currently lead a team of student researchers from the University of Puerto Rico exploring the Sensitization of the Social Media Response to Natural Disasters. I also have an ongoing series on Leveraging Data Science through the PhD Interview process that will be revived as shortly as time permits.


Math is the extremely precise use of language
to uncover consequences, not facts.


Currently enjoying the cold breeze of a Central Park Fall.